Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Everneath by Brodi Ashton

Titel: Everneath

Author: Brodi Ashton
Publisher: Harper Collins
First published: 2012
Pages: 570
Series: Everneath
Star rating: *****

Last spring, Nikki Beckett vanished, sucked into an underworld known as the Everneath, where immortals Feed on the emotions of despairing humans. Now she's returned- to her old life, her family, her friends- before being banished back to the underworld... this time forever. 

She has six months before the Everneath comes to claim her, six months for good-byes she can't find the words for, six months to find redemption, if it exists.

Nikki longs to spend these months reconnecting with her boyfriend, Jack, the one person she loves more than anything. But there's a problem: Cole, the smoldering immortal who first enticed her to the Everneath, has followed Nikki to the mortal world. And he'll do whatever it takes to bring her back- this time as his queen.

As Nikki's time grows short and her relationships begin slipping from her grasp, she's forced to make the hardest decision of her life: find a way to cheat fate and remain on the Surface with Jack or return to the Everneath and become Cole's...

So this book is another book that has twisted the Hades and Persephone myth, and I think that Brodi Ashton did it well. It is not an exact copy of the myth, but that would be kind of boring, and I like the twists in her version. 

So when it comes to the characters I really like most of them, and some of them I dislike because they were written to be disliked, it therefore makes a whole lot of sense to not like them. Lets start of with Nikki or Becks or Nik or whatever. She is a really good character, and she grows a lot through this novel. After just being in the underworld (Everneath) for 6 months or actually 100 years, you can't come out unscratched an she doesn't. She struggles a whole lot with dealing with all of this stuff, and trying to figure out more about the everlings and everneath, and of to interact with all of the people she knew before going to Everneath and I really liked her development.

Next up is Jack...
Jack was just so endearing, I really just liked him. He was left broken after Becks left, and struggles with a lot of his own problems, along with helping Becks. You couldn't help but feel sad for him, because you know stuff... Then there is Cole the opposite of Jack. i really disliked him, but he was probably written to be dislikable, but on the other hand you kind of feel sorry for him at points, so is not all bad like "He who most not be named". 
The other characters were fine too, but really we did not see that much of them, but I really liked Meredith too.

Now back the mythology thing. While I liked the spin on the Hades and Persephone myth, I missed some more greek mythology, some more besides this one. The Hades & Persephone myth was pretty much to only myth along with Orpheus and Eurydice, you got to know in the story and I wanted more of the stories, and not just their story maybe you know some of the other gods as well, but maybe that will arrive in the next one. Who knows? (Well Brodi Ashton knows...)

I liked the way it was written as well, with the flashbacks giving you the parts you were missing, they were well done and they made sense. They didn't just pop out of nowhere, it was related to the present. 

All together I really enjoyed this book, I started reading it in the evening thinking I would just read a couple of chapters and then go to bed. I ended up reading about half of the book. Even though it was not much of an action book, which I usually prefer I really liked it, and of course a Cliffhanger. Now I really need the next one Everbound, and it doesn't come out till sometime in 2013

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